Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Writing Success is Often Served with a Side of Failure:

Success is Often Served with a Side of Failure. Hold the Failure.

It’s not unusual for writers to chase success only to keep falling short of their goals. Failure is part of the process, and it should never force a confident author to give up.

The feeling of defeat should be motivation to take on a challenge; it should be a learning experience to try a different approach.

Here are a few examples of unsuccessful authors who became impatient and lost momentum with their writing. If you can see yourself experiencing the same frustration, pay attention to the tips that follow each example.

Bill – A Daily Habit of Excuses: If Bill had time to write, he made excuses not to write. When he had excellent ideas for a new article, he convinced himself that the topic had been covered by someone else. He was no longer driven and passionate about his work. He had a barrel full of excuses and a bad case of procrastination.

• Becoming an expert author will not happen overnight, but each night of some progress is a win.
• Making excuses to postpone writing will trickle down into your personal life. Stay motivated and battle through procrastination!
• The saying “practice makes perfect” is simply a line of encouragement. You don’t have to be perfect; you just have to want it.

Kathy – Too Many Fish in the Sea: Kathy was a motivated self-starter who never paid attention to the success of other authors. Over time, she lost focus and developed a habit of checking out the competition. Her work ethic began to decline at the sheer sight of all of the successful writers out there. How could she possibly stand a chance?

• Keep your eye on the big picture and don’t worry about the other guy.
• Everyone has struggles of their own; learn to overcome yours just as others have done.
• No one knows what you have up your sleeve. Think big and leave a strong impression!

Jim – Public Eye Jitters: Jim was on the top of his game with his writing skills, but was too shy to get his name out there. He wanted to establish his credibility and showcase his niche without looking desperate. He just didn’t feel comfortable or confident on the right approach to article marketing. He ended up turning his writing into a hobby and no one has heard from him since.

• It takes passion, hard work and effective strategies to get the word out, not a background in marketing & sales.
• Publish your work under a pen name if you’re not ready to put your name out there.
• Take to social media to see how other writers are finding success. It doesn’t hurt to ask for advice!

Robert – Loss of Creativity: Writer’s block took its toll on Robert, an author just starting out. There were so many niches to write about that he became overwhelmed. What’s the hot topic? What information did the readers crave? These questions continued to bug Robert, so he stayed on the couch and sulked, postponing his potential to break out. His creative juices were not flowing and he gave up.

• Revisit old pieces of your writing and reflect on the inspiration you felt at the time you wrote it.
• Step outside. Visit a place out of your ordinary routine and reflect on your experiences.
• Re-read an article, short story, or book that left you feeling inspired. Your creativity is there, it just needs to be re-ignited.

Sarah – Zero Time to Write: Finding time to write can be like searching for a pin at the bottom of a pool. If there’s one thing that Sarah didn’t have, it was a moment to herself. Long work hours, appointments, and kids to look after sucked up all of her energy. It seemed like her only escape was in the bathroom! It was hopeless; she just wasn’t cut out to be a writer.

• Be vocal about your time constraints. Stick to them. Others will understand.
• Get your own space for your writing. You will find peace when you’re locked away from your distractions.
• Practice time-saving techniques. Check out these 30 Time-Saving Tips for ideas.

It may seem success comes easier for others, but realize that successful writers have their own obstacles to overcome. Continue making progress with your writing and don’t lose hope.

Put on your apron and get creative. It’s OK to break a couple of eggs on your way to the main course. As long as you think positive and keep trying, you will overcome failure!

Posted by Courtney, Member Support Manager on October 14, 2014 at 9:25 am

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